South Carolina deer hunting

Cool September Weather Makes For Great Hunting

Sydney, Patti, Ellie, Carrie and Debbie with their 2 day harvest!
Sydney, Patti, Ellie, Carrie and Debbie with their 2 day harvest!

Cool weather finally rolled into South Carolina last week, and it produced some great hunting for us here in the lowcountry!

Debbie with her first deer!
Debbie with her first deer!

With morning temps in the high 50’s and highs not breaking out of the 70’s, the deer were really moving this past week, especially late in the day. Add to that the fact that our bugs have finally started going away, and our group of 5 women up from Florida and a father/son team had perfect conditions to hunt in. So they hit the woods in high spirits hoping for big bucks but also ready to pull the trigger on some does, and they did not go home disappointed. When the smoke from their rifles cleared, seven nice does laid on the skinning shed floor, and several good bucks had survived by sheer luck ! Ellie and Sydney both put two big does down while Carrie, Patti and Debbie all rolled up one each. So we send out a huge congratulations to all of them, especially Debbie who took her first deer ever. We also send out a big “good luck with all of the work” to Ellie, owner of Willingham’s Taxidermy, who took  all seven of the heads and hides home to mount at her taxidermy studio! Scott’ son Alex also had several opportunities for his first deer as well, but it just didn’t happen.

Chad with his hog and John with his good 8pt
Chad with his hog and John with his good 8pt

This past weekend, we also had a group of guys down from Vermont staying over at our bow camp. And what a weekend they had with the cool weather pushing the deer to move and eat at the feeders where the waiting bowhunters let their arrows fly! John killed a nice 8pt while his brother, Pete, missed a giant 8pt right under his tree as well as hit another nice 8pt that they couldn’t find. Their buddy Chad also missed a doe but stuck a nice, tasty hog. In addition they said that they saw tons of hogs and other deer all over the property making it a truly unforgettable hunt!

Some of Tactical Rifles BEST!
Some of Tactical Rifles BEST!

So as you can see, Cypress Creek Hunting Lodge’s guests had a quite a weekend. The early, cool fall weather really helped get the deer and hogs up on their feet and moving to feed, making for some great hunting. We are now hoping that the cool weather will stay with us while we start work on our fall food plots as well as prepare for our busiest time of the year – the rut. Like I said before, it usually starts up around the middle of October and runs through Thanksgiving. However this year, it seems like the bucks are already showing up with big, thick necks and starting to scrape, so we are thinking that the bucks are going to be ready a little early this season, due what appears to be an early Fall. So that should make for some excellent hunting from here on. Therefore, if you haven’t already done so, please give Becky a call ASAP and get your dates down on the books. Because while the weekends only have a few spots left open, we have lots of room during the week for hunters to come and take that lowcountry trophy buck of a lifetime to mount or just some does to put on the grill. We look forward to hunting with you here in South Carolina!

Our 1000 yard range
Our 1000 yard range

PS: I also wanted to post some pictures from last week’s long-range shooting class that was put on by Tactical Rifles since one of the attendees was nice enough to send us some for the blog!


Hi, I’m QualityHunting

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