
SC Lowcountry Rut Creates Great Hunting!

Barry and Jim with their big bucks
Barry and Jim with their big bucks

The rut is a magical time of year for the whitetail deer and the hunters that pursue them in the lowcountry with us here at Cypress Creek Hunting Lodge!

Brody and dad Bob with their 3 deer
Brody and dad Bob with their 3 deer

It always creates great hunting during late October and early November, especially when it is nice and cold. However it really makes a difference in years like this one when we have lots of warm weather and tons of acorns on the ground that generally keep the deer from moving very well. So that definitely helped Henry and I keep our hunters happy while Danny was in Mexico fishing for a week, and we were left to man the lodge and help our hunters make the most of their time in the woods during our lowcountry rut.

We had lots of old friends join us for some of this great rut hunting action as well as quite a few new ones too, and they all pitched in to help Cypress Creek have one of our best weeks ever, with 31 deer killed in 9 days. We had Bill and son Billy join us again as they have for many years, and this time they both went home with nice bucks off of our trophy land: Billy struck first when he knocked down a tall 8pt; however dad Bill claimed top big-buck prize of the family when he rolled up a great mainframe 8pt with a small drop tine on his last hunt before returning home!

Tom and Craig with 3 of their 5 deer
Tom and Craig with 3 of their 5 deer

We also had our good friends and long time guests Jack and Barry join us again this year for a trophy hunt while also bringing two friends, Jim and Mike, so they too could “pursue the experience” with us. And pursue they all did… The cold weather that we had had earlier in the week had disappeared by the time they all arrived, so Henry and I had to work a little harder to get them back into the woods and off of the food plots that had been working in the cold weather. And that extra effort payed off when Barry and Jim both shot good bucks off of the same hardwood ladder stand on the same day. Barry got a great 8pt with long beams on a morning hunt and Jim shot a very nice 7pt that chased a doe by him that afternoon. Jack, who shot our biggest buck of the year last season, missed a giant he said would dwarf his buck from last year while Mike saw some good movement but had to leave his hunt early.

Bill and Billy with dad's big 9pt
Bill and Billy with dad's big 9pt

We also had lots of our regular deer hunters see and shoot nice bucks while in the lowcountry. Our friends Frank and Ryan were back down again, and Ryan took a great, heavy 7 pointer while Frank shot a doe and then passed on some bucks in favor of trying again when he returns in December. We also had Dave who shot a great 8pt along with Jay who took out two does and his friend Bud who shot  a young buck. Craig, Tom and Jim from VT also had a great hunt and took home lots of fresh venison after Craig took 3 bucks, including a nice mounter 8pt, while Tom shot 2 nice does. We also had John, down with regulars Scott and John, who took his first two deer ever while hunting with us: a doe and a good 8pt while the other John shot a nice 7pt. And I don’t want to forget Dennis who took a young buck while here two weeks ago along with Brian who shot a doe.

Maureen and Richard with his great 8pt
Maureen and Richard with his great 8pt

We also had two father/son teams and one father/daughter team out this past week looking to enjoy some family time together while also looking to harvest some tasty venison. And despite the hot weather, they all did pretty well: Bob and his son Brody from South Florida saw some great movement in their two days and Bob shot a nice buck while Brody shot not only his first deer, a great mature doe, but his first buck too, a beautiful cow-horn spike that had one tine going up and the other bent straight down! Ed and his son Nate joined us from the upstate for just one day, but still had a successful hunt too after Ed shot a good 8pt and the doe he was following. Richard and his daughter Maureen made the most of their time in the woods too and took home a doe and a tall-racked 8pt.

Dave and his great 8!
Dave and his great 8!

So as you can see, Cypress Creek has been experiencing some great hunting over the last two weeks due to the rut. However we aren’t done yet! The lowcountry should still have lots of great hunting left in the season due to lots of does being left to breed as well as the cold weather (hopefully) pushing those deer to move to eat. So give Becky a call and get on the books as soon as possible if you are still looking to get in a great late-season hunt before it ends on January 1st. We look forward to having you…

Ryan with his heavy 7pt
Ryan with his heavy 7pt
Billy with his tall 8pt
Billy with his tall 8pt
John and his first buck ever: a great 8pt!
John and his first buck ever: a great 8pt!
Jay with one of his two does
Jay with one of his two does
Dennis with his buck
Dennis with his buck
Brian and his doe
Brian and his doe
Henry helping Brody celebrate his first deer and first buck!
Henry helping Brody celebrate his first deer and first buck!
Brody in his first-deer war paint
Brody in his first-deer war paint
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