Randy, Joe and Gene with 2 monster lowcountry hogs
Randy, Joe and Gene with 2 monster lowcountry hogs
Austin and his first deer!
Austin and his first deer!

It’s late November and that means that it is Thanksgiving: a time to be thankful for all that we have and grateful for all of all of the wonderful guests that we have had the pleasure of hunting with this past year. Because without the many old and new friends who have joined us, Cypress Creek Hunting Lodge would not exist! So from all of us here, we thank you and wish all of you and your families a very Happy Thanksgiving.

Steve and his brother Bob with their two does
Steve and his brother Bob with their two does

Thanksgiving time also marks the slowdown of our lowcountry deer hunting season when we finally start to wind down from the very busy rut when our guests harvested many nice bucks and lots of tasty does. However we still have plenty of good hunting left between now and the end of the season on January 1st, and that held true over the last week as well when our hunters took home some nice deer and great hogs despite the warm weather that we just can’t seem to shake. Shane, down from the upstate with 2 friends for just one day, shot a nice 6pt while Nathan from just up the road also shot a 6pt during a one day hunt.

Lorey with her first buck and husband Mark with his doe
Lori with her first buck and husband Mark with his doe
Nathan and his 5 point
Nathan and his 5 point

We also had several guests that were able to take their first deer while with us this past week including JT, up from Florida and hunting with his dad Jimbo, who shot a nice 3pt. on the last morning of his hunt to claim his first buck and the right to get painted up. We also had Tracey, visiting us with her husband David, shoot a young buck for her first deer, and Austin, hunting with his dad Andy, knock down a young doe for his first deer as well. I also want to make sure and recognize another friend that killed her first deer while with us a few weeks ago: our friend Lori who shot a nice 6pt. while hunting with with her husband Mark who killed a nice doe on the same trip.

JT with his first buck!
JT with his first buck!

And while we have been concentrating pretty hard on the deer lately, we had several giant hogs seen and taken this past week too. Bob, hunting with his brother Steve, killed a huge 225lb. sow to go with the two does they shot. We also had our friends from NC that come once a month, and Joe was the lucky one this time when he took two monster hogs in one afternoon: a big sow and a great 240lb. boar.

Once again, we here at Cypress Creek Hunting Lodge want to thank everyone who hunting with us this past year and express our sincere Thankfulness that you all decided to join us to get your hunting fix. We truly wish all of you guys a Happy Thanksgiving and hope that you all will join us again next year.

Bob and his huge 225lb sow
Bob and his huge 225lb sow
Shane with his 6pt
Shane with his 6pt
Tracey and her first deer
Tracey and her first deer
Hi, I’m QualityHunting

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