Wayne Jr. with a nice Boggy boar
Wayne Jr. with a nice Boggy boar

Like I said last week, we are entering into our slower summer hunting period now that the warm weather has arrived. However that can be great news for those that are still seeking some hog hunting fun despite the high temperatures. Because while we have a lot less hunters during the mosquito days, that also means the hogs have a lot less pressure on them. Then throw in a $50 a day discount for hog hunts from April 1st through September 31st, and you have the makings of a great summer hunting trip. Just give Becky a call so that she can help you set things up.

Mark with his meat hog
Mark with his meat hog

As for our last week’s hunting, we just had a few hog hunting groups including two men that were also turkey hunting in the AM. Out of those, Wayne Jr. from PA shot a nice 130 pound boar over on Boggy Creek along with Shane who harvested a nice, small meat hog. Also killing one after missing one was Mark from IN who also killed a nice meat hog. And even though they didn’t all get a pig, some of the other members of their hunting parties saw over 20+ hogs that were either too small, too fast or too late to shoot. But as we always say, that is real hunting.

Robert and his son Chris with a young gobbler
Robert and his son Chris with a young gobbler

Robert, down from VA with his son Chris, also killed a young gobbler during his time with us. Now we just have a few more hunters to join us before turkey season ends, and I already have word that two of them have harvested big birds including the Hunting the World Southern Style TV crew who came back for just one day. We look forward to sharing those successful hunts with everyone next week.

Hi, I’m QualityHunting

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