South Carolina deer hunting

Merry Christmas From The Lowcountry

Tom and son TJ with some of their harvest
Tom and son TJ with some of their harvest

Another year has passed for us here at Cypress Creek Hunting Lodge, and as we wrap up our deer hunting season, we want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and pray that you have a blessed New Year. We also want to thank everyone that chose us as their destination for their hunting experience, because without our guests, we would simply not exist.

tom and his 8pt!
Tom and his 8pt!

As for our hunting, we continue to have quite a bit of very warm temperatures here in the South, and that has not helped our hunters one bit. However all of our guests over the last few days still managed to not only have a great time, but at least opportunities even if they didn’t capitalize on  them.

We had TJ and his dad Tom join us again this year, and Tom finally got his first buck when he killed a young 4pt that was still walking around despite being hit earlier by a car. He then followed his first deer up with another when he took a nice 8pt to go with the  2 nice meat hogs they both killed, so they will be eating well this year. So congrats to them both on a great hunt, and we want to wish TJ continued good luck while he is in flight school with the Navy down in FL.

We also had Tripp, son Trevor and dad James join us again this year, along with brother David this time, for another late-season hunt. And while they didn’t take any deer home, they all had several opportunities and went home with lots of new memories and tons of quality family time together. This went for our other hunters, Bill and his dad Bob as well as Bill and his dad Bill too! We truly enjoyed hunting with them and look forward to having them all back again next year.

Ann and her big 7pt
Ann and her big 8pt

And along with the deer that were just taken, we also have two deer to report on that were shot a few weeks ago but haven’t made it here to our blog yet. First we had Steve, down with his dad Dalton again, who took a nice young buck while here in the lowcountry. Then we had our friend and team member Ann shoot her biggest buck ever when she took down a great 8pt with a broken brow tine. So congrats to both of them!

Steve with his buck
Steve with his buck

We still have a few days left in our season, and right after Christmas we will have some hunters at the lodge looking to take a last-minute hunt before we wrap up for the year. However, as everybody knows, we never stop hunting here in the South Carolina lowcountry, and in January we crank up our Spring hog hunts. And they are going to be good, because from mid January through April is our best time to take a big hog due to several factors: it is cold, there is very little natural foods left for them in the woods and there is NO hunting pressure from anyone else on neighboring properties! So those big ol’ hogs just seem to move around quite a bit more then usual, and that puts them right in from of our hunters. So please consider joining us for some great hog hunting after the first of the year.

Again, we want to thank everyone who hunted with us this past year as well as congratulate all of those who were successful while here in the lowcountry. Merry Christmas, and we pray that YOU will have a blessed New Year!

Hi, I’m QualityHunting

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